What is a Digital Signature ?

Digital Signature is a Digital Identity of a person/organisation. Using a Digital Signature a person can sign documents , file returns, apply for tenders etc. 

Digital Signature is different from hand-written signature or electronic signature. Electronic signature is scan copy of a handwritten signature it has no legal value, whereas a Digital Signature is issued by a Government approved Certifying Authority and has legal binding . 

who can issue Digital Signature in india?

Digital Signature in India is regulated by Controller of Certifying Authority (www.cca.gov.in). CCA India has allowed various Certifying Authorities to create a Digital Signature. Digital Signature is made using encryption of the data provided by the applicant. The private key is generated using the personal details of the applicant and public key is a unique key generated corresponding to private key to verify if the Digital Signature is valid. 

What is Ncode, Sify, Emudhra, Capricorn?

In India, Certfying Authorities are allowed to issue a Digital Signature. Ncode , Sify , Emudhra and Capricorn are popular certifying authorities to issue a Digital Signature. There is no difference in Digital Signature issued by either of the certfying authorities. 


What is Epass, Proxkey, Alladin etc?

In India, as Digital Signature can only be downloaded on a FIPS Certified security token. A security token is a password protected device (in shape of a pendrive) which contains the digital signature of the applicant. 

Epass , Proxkey , Alladin , Safenet are some of the brands for security token. All above brands are approved to hold a valid Digital Signature.

How to apply for a Digital Signature?

There are various classes of Digital Signature issued in India and each class has its own usage. Before applying please consult Digi Solution team as to where you want to use the Digital Signature. 

Application for a Digital Signature can be made by following ways 

  1. Physical Form (The applicant fills a form and submits the same to Digi Solution along-with the supporting documents)
  2. Aadhar Based Application
    • Biometric : The applicant will have to visit our office and using his aadhar biometric we can process the Digital Signature
    • OTP: If aadhar is linked to mobile then applicant may apply using the OTP generated via aadhar number.

For detailed procedure of any of above processes you may contact Digi Solution team.